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Climate change

Climate change

Number of replies: 22

Express your opinion of the following quotation:

" Climate change is among the greatest threats facing humanity. Its effects are global, wide-ranging, and distributed in a highly unequal manner.  Palestinians under occupation will suffer the effects of climate change more severely." 



Re: Climate change

by امجد حماد -
Picture of سنة رابعة - فصل ثاني - 2020/2021
From my personal point of view, the Israeli occupation is considered one of the greatest dangers that cause climate change due to the large number of factories and industrial stations that have a great impact on pollution of the environment, as these pollutants reduce the rate of rain, in addition to the fact that the production of agricultural crops has decreased significantly in the Palestinian lands due to the control of the forces. The occupation over water resources and artesian wells and their work to throw the waste of their factories in the Palestinian territories and not allow the development of agricultural production methods. All these reasons resulted in an imbalance in the environmental balance inside Palestine, as the Palestinians do not own the factories, but they are affected by the occupation factories.

Re: Climate change

by مثنى القب -
Picture of سنة رابعة - فصل ثاني - 2020/2021
We are currently facing the most serious problems and challenges facing man, which affect his health and agricultural production. There are many causes that led to this, including the construction of factories near residential areas that emit toxic gases and other effects. All this is the responsibility of the governments that must provide safe housing Fresh air helps in a healthy life for the world, but what saddens us the most is not considering our case with the brutal Israeli occupation, which refuses to give us a decent life on our land because it continues to restrict our land by building toxic factories near the Palestinian areas that have affected human health and his agricultural product. Global consideration of our case and lend a helping hand soon.

Re: Climate change

by صالح حمدان -
Picture of سنة رابعة - فصل ثاني - 2020/2021
From my point of view, the Zionist occupation is more dangerous than climate change itself, so how about occupation and climate change? As they prefer to change the climate greatly because of the bombings in times of war, which are never-ending and the heavy industries that produce huge quantities of smoke in addition to that searching for oil and purifying it in the seas and many, many more.

Re: Climate change

by مرح الحروب -
Picture of سنة رابعة - فصل ثاني - 2020/2021
In my own opinion I don’t think that the Israeli occupation can be considered as a main reason for causing climate change in Palestine because we have the main reasons than can cause it , but absolutely it’s a main reason for increasing the chance of suffering from its effects earlier than its expected , this is due to many reasons that are mainly caused by the Israeli occupation , such as : the large number of factories and constructions projects specially in the settlements which have the biggest role in producing CO2 which leads to the air pollution , The huge population the comes from the large number of immigrants to Israel from other contact and the government encouragement for its people to born more children to have more Israeli residents , The over defrosting in order to build and construct their settlements , and the over using of the water resources in Palestine by the Israeli occupation such as lake of Tiberias which is about to dry is also a main reason that leads to climate change .
All of these reasons in addition to many other ones are some of the main causing of climate change and as we can notice it is supported or caused by the Israeli occupation on Palestine .

Re: Climate change

by محمد ترابه -
Picture of سنة رابعة - فصل ثاني - 2020/2021
From my point of view, Climate change is one of the greatest threats facing the entire world today. This threat is man-made, as many countries carry out various industries that depend on all types of fuels, especially fossil fuels. One of the most industrialized countries is the State of Israel. It is involved in the field of industry worldwide, by manufacturing various types of vehicles, all kinds of weapons, and whatever fuel it has, it is used in all areas of industry. As for the State of Palestine and its fall under the Israeli occupation, it is one of the countries most affected by this threat, which is working on climate change in the entire region, the destruction of its crops, the shortage of water on which it depends for agriculture, and the phenomenon of the increasing enemies of the population that leads to an increase in the amount of consumption and thus an increase in the threat.

Re: Climate change

by محمود حسين -
Picture of سنة رابعة - فصل ثاني - 2020/2021
In my view, climate change is one of the biggest threats facing humanity, as this threat is caused by industries that form the basis of life today, but this threat is considered one of the biggest concerns today. The Israeli occupation state is one of the countries most contributing to the various industrial processes that cause the production of many gases that affect the atmosphere and all walks of life, which affects water, soil and air, and all this negatively affects the State of Palestine. All of these matters affect all aspects of life in it, for example water shortages, crop destruction, killing animals and many other things.

Re: Climate change

by مصطفى سرداح -
Picture of سنة رابعة - فصل ثاني - 2020/2021
I totally agree with this statement because there are many restrictions imposed by the occupation which make the Palestinian people suffer more than others when a global problem occurs add to that the lack of basic elements of life in Palestine so the climate change problem will have much more significant effect on the Palestinians.

Re: Climate change

by معاذ زكارنه -
Picture of سنة رابعة - فصل ثاني - 2020/2021
From my point of view, climate change is a global problem, not a local one, and it is a problem that all participating countries must solve. The industrial countries that influence the climate must be the first participants in solving it. As for the state of Palestine, it has problems to be concerned with first, the most important of which is the Zionist occupation. Palestine is severely affected by the occupation as it is one of the industrialized countries that affect the climate. Therefore, you may find that the climate in Palestine is volatile and unnatural, especially as it differs badly every year. We advance it as we saw this year. Therefore, whatever Palestine tries to do to reduce the impact on the climate is not enough. Because the occupation must stop its industries, especially the military, which is one of the biggest influences on the climate from the smoke and chemicals it produces that affect the climate.

Re: Climate change

by مسعد دوابشة -
Picture of سنة رابعة - فصل ثاني - 2020/2021
In my opinion, the whole world is threatened by climate change, even countries that harvest the largest proportion of natural resources or have greater control over them, as climate change will lead to an imbalance in sales and natural resources, and therefore the whole world faces the dangers of this inevitable catastrophe if we do not take a step to confront it. Before it's too late. As for Palestine, we are a people who have suffered since the beginning of the occupation, as the Zionist occupation imposes restrictions on all sources of normal life, not to mention if it turns into a global catastrophe where we will be the first to be affected. The occupation secures itself first and foremost.In my opinion, the whole world is threatened by climate change, even countries that harvest the largest proportion of natural resources or have greater control over them, as climate change will lead to an imbalance in sales and natural resources, and therefore the whole world faces the dangers of this inevitable catastrophe if we do not take a step to confront it. Before it's too late. As for Palestine, we are a people who have suffered since the beginning of the occupation, as the Zionist occupation imposes restrictions on all sources of normal life, not to mention if it turns into a global catastrophe where we will be the first to be affected. The occupation secures itself first and foremost.

Re: Climate change

by Mohammad Sunallah -
Picture of سنة رابعة - فصل ثاني - 2020/2021
I agree with this statement, because climate change is a global issue that negatively affects all the regions around the world, and when it comes to Palestine considering it's under the occupation of Israel, it can suffer more from this issue, because of the Israeli actions, like establishing illegal crowded settlements around the Palestinian cities which causes overpopulation, which doubles the possibility for environmental issues to occur.

Re: Climate change

by اسراء أبو حسن -
Picture of سنة رابعة - فصل ثاني - 2020/2021
Yes, this is true because, in my view, climate change is a global problem, and therefore its effects are global, as climate change is one of the main problems facing humanity, unfortunately, and it is constantly increasing, especially in our time, with the development of technology and factories.
In Palestine and because it is under occupation, Palestinians will suffer from the effects of climate change more than others due to the restrictions imposed by the Israeli occupation on them, such as land theft and practices such as cutting olive trees and building settlements, which contribute to climate change.

Re: Climate change

by ضحى الأحمد -
Picture of سنة رابعة - فصل ثاني - 2020/2021
In my personal opinion, I agree with this statement. Climate change is a serious global problem that affects all countries.
in Palestine, the occupation has increased these problems because of the actions that it undertakes, such as building settlements in abundance, establishing factories near Palestinian villages, and cutting down trees. And many, many more.

Re: Climate change

by ربى ياسين -
Picture of سنة رابعة - فصل ثاني - 2020/2021
I strongly agree with this quotation, because climate change is a slow death of the environment, the entire human life, and all of the world.
With regard to Palestine in particular, its situation under occupation contributes to an increase in this risk due to the occupation acts such as cutting trees, building factories, settlements and many acts of sabotage that harm the environment .

Re: Climate change

by مرح ياسين -
Picture of سنة رابعة - فصل ثاني - 2020/2021
From my point of view, climate change is a serious matter facing the whole world and affecting it negatively, and for Palestine the risks of this phenomenon increase due to the actions of the occupation, such as building settlements and factories, which affects the environment

Re: Climate change

by نسرين جبر -
Picture of سنة رابعة - فصل ثاني - 2020/2021
yes , I agree with this as climate change is amost the biggest human threats ,especially we like the Palestinian people are under occupation,who use tools such as throwing gas and their waste and many of their factories produce their impact on Palestinian citizens and their farms also the restrictons imposed by israeli occupation such cutting tress and building settlements as it pollutes the environment and climate change.

Re: Climate change

by نضال طه -
Picture of سنة رابعة - فصل ثاني - 2020/2021
Of course, there is no doubt that climate change is a global phenomenon that affects the whole world, especially the State of Palestine, which suffers from the restrictions of occupation.
One of these obstacles in Palestine is the economic weakness that prevents finding solutions that limit environmental pollution and climate change, as well as the Israeli occupation actions that increase pollution from the massive industrial waste and nuclear waste that results from the continuous nuclear tests.
But Palestine, in particular, is fighting to protect the environment by establishing local laws to protect the environment and limit pollutants.

Re: Climate change

by علا خولي -
Picture of سنة رابعة - فصل ثاني - 2020/2021
In fact, yes, the occupation has affected the increase in climate pollution, whether from air pollution due to wars or factory smoke, as all of this leads to global warming.

Re: Climate change

by اسلام البري -
Picture of سنة رابعة - فصل ثاني - 2020/2021
I agree with this sentence 100 percent ,Because climate change is the result of a large series of illegal activities against nature, and with the tremendous development that we are witnessing today, it is certain that there will be an exacerbation of this problem, and as a Palestinian by nationality, the Israeli occupation has brought many problems to the Palestinians, including climate change. Being a "state, as it claims" includes a huge amount of raw materials for factories and settlements, which have come to include almost all of the Palestinian lands.

Re: Climate change

by عدي البرغوثي -
Picture of سنة رابعة - فصل ثاني - 2020/2021
Yes, it is true. I agree that the occupation has significantly and negatively affected climate change, for example air pollution, population census and water pollution.

Re: Climate change

by فاطمة الصايل -
Picture of سنة رابعة - فصل ثاني - 2020/2021
This quote is 100% correct because climate change is a phenomenon that kills the whole world and threatens the safety of the environment in which we live. As for Palestine, which is a country under occupation, the climate is more affected by occupation, such as building many factories that export many gases that negatively affect air quality and many works that threaten the safety of the air in the atmosphere.

Re: Climate change

by بريق عبيدي -
Picture of سنة رابعة - فصل ثاني - 2020/2021
I agree with this quotation, because the toxic emissions rising from the earth lead to an increase in the ozone hole and thus an increase in the earth's temperature, moreover many gases in space can penetrate the Earth through the ozone hole, we as a Palestinian people suffer from Israeli chemical waste. Nuclear weapons that have harmful radiation, also any nuclear war could strike this sensitive region, and thus the climate situation of the region will change.

Re: Climate change

by Habib Eid -
Picture of سنة رابعة - فصل ثاني - 2020/2021
This statement is totally true, because Israel is considered as one of the countries that have a strong army, as a result, the Israeli army practices a lot of drills, field trainings and war scenarios in places that are close to residential areas, and of course they left all of the empty rounds and the remnants of the grenades on the ground which they are an agricultural lands by the way. This causes a sabotage to these lands that the Palestinian farmers use to farm and produce food from it, and this waste that the Israeli leave behind could cause a lot of chemical damage to our food.